Abaliget Cave and Bat Museum

Abaliget Cave
One of the best known and most popular natural attractions of the Mecsek Mountains is the Abaliget Cave.
A continuous exploration of the cave has revealed the 466 m long main passage and three side passages. Invisibly to the human eye the cave is still in constant change. It is an important hibernation site, during the winter months hundreds of the Lesser and Greater Horseshoe bats roost here.
The average temperature of the cave is 12 °C, its climate gives relief to those suffering from respiratory diseases, allergy or asthma. Many of its impressive dripstones got a name, you can see the ’Leaning Tower of Pisa’, the ’Florian’s Well’, ’Calvary’, ’Niagara Fall’ among many others. There are legends, beliefs connected to some of the dripstones, cliffs and other narural formations which you can hear about as part of the guided tour.
The main passage of the cave is open to the public and can comfortably be accessed. Sensible footwear (boots or trainers) are recommended, standard clothing is fine, but remember, in summer the caves are much cooler than outdoors.
Entrance to the cave is by guided tour only. Tours leave every hour on the hour, the last tour leaves 1 hour before closing.

Bat Museum
The Bat Museum in Abaliget was opened in 2004. It is a unique thematic exhibition site showcasing the hardly known, often misunderstood but fascinating world of bats. The exhibition material is organized according to the different habitats of bats in an excellent, spectacular and realistic way. Visitors can get acquianted with the history and instruments of bat research and get an overview of the main habitats and migration routes of bats within Hungary.

Opening hours:
15 March – 15 October: daily 9.00 – 18.00
16 October –14 March: daily 10.00 – 15.00
The last guided tour leaves one hour before closing. Advance booking is necessary for groups to avoid jams.

Combined tickets (gives entrance to both venues):
Adult - 1450 HUF
Student/pensioner: 1200 HUF
Free under age 2.

Abaligeti Barlang és Denevérmúzeum - Az Irány Pécs! kártya szünetel!
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